It has been a while since I last added a new post entry. For the past year (pandemic at full) I did lots of testing regarding my physics-based gravity project.This entry is the first of a series of 3 in which I will update what have been done so far:
- Gravity Part 1: An update
- Gravity Part 2: Orbit predictions (One-Body problem)
- Gravity Part 3: Create a force map and display it (CPU, Compute Shader and Fragment Shader)
The update
The code described here has basically the same functionality as the original Physics-based Solar System Lessons post. The foundations, insights and issues are described in detail in the mentioned blog entry. So, I highly recommend checking it out for references.I did not want to change that post so I decided to create a new one with cleaner code, explaining the major changes and calculations.
I did a major code refactoring to have everything clearer and more cohesive. The code is divided into 2 blocks:
- Generic:
- GameManger.cs: Controls the time and space scale logic.
- Constants.cs: Controls generic constants/ enums used in the code.
- Gravity implementation:
- SpaceObject.cs: This is the core logic used by the objects.
- Gravity.cs This is the core to calculate gravity.
The GameManager.cs class has changed quite a bit on content to only use what is important:- To modify the fixed delta time, everything else was not necessary and generated issues when used.
- To calculate a “new” gravitational constant. Previously I did all the force calculations using the original units N*m^2/kg^2. Now, the distance and time is calculated using the scaled units defined in GameManager.cs. The advantage is that we would never run out of precision, regardless of the actual values (just imagine if we want to use this to simulate gravity movement in the Milky Way).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | using System; using UnityEngine; public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Scaling options")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("1 unit = SpaceScale kilometers")] private float _spaceScale = 6000; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("1 unit = TimeScale seconds")] private float _timeScale = 100000; //1 unity unit = timeScale seconds [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Fixed update loop time (default = 0.02)")] private float _modifiedFixedDeltaTime = 0.001f; public float SpaceScaleKm => _spaceScale; public float TimeScale => _timeScale; public double GravitationalConstantUnityScaled { get; private set; } public float ModifiedDeltaTime => _modifiedFixedDeltaTime; private void Awake() { Time.fixedDeltaTime = ModifiedDeltaTime; GravitationalConstantUnityScaled = Constants.GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT_KM * Math.Pow(TimeScale, 2) / Math.Pow(SpaceScaleKm, 3); } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | public static class Constants { public static readonly double GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT_KM = 6.67430e-20; //N*km^2/kg^2 public static readonly double EPSILON = 0.01; public const int FREE_VELOCITY = 0; public const int CIRCULAR_ORBIT_VELOCITY = 1; public const int ESCAPE_ORBIT_VELOCITY = 2; public enum InitialVelocity { Free = FREE_VELOCITY, CircularOrbit = CIRCULAR_ORBIT_VELOCITY, EscapeOrbit = ESCAPE_ORBIT_VELOCITY } } |
Gravity Implementation:
Originally, I had 3 different classes (GravitationalForces, SpaceObject and Satellite). Of these, “ Satellite” is a specific case of SpaceObject and the logic between the other two is entangled. So now everything has been refactored into 2 classes:- Gravity.cs: The logic that does all the gravity calculation.
- SpaceObject.cs: Any object that affects or is affected by gravitation.
![]() |
Tag that enables the object to be affected by gravity |
The implementation of Gravity.cs class now only takes care of functions to obtain gravitation pull force and velocities from gravitational situations.
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The class SpaceObject.cs on the other hand takes care of the initial changes to the object (initial velocities) and updating the forces applied to the object.
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These 2 classes have taken a complete refactoring to have a better segregation at what each class is supposed to do.
Sample project
A sample project can be found on this download link with all the relevant code.
Unity version: 2020.2.7f1
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